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PoV: "Fortune 500"

Friday, July 4, 2014

Clark is here to host this veto from his series of Big brother games.

This challenge, which I often use in the challenges for my games, is called "Fortune 500," and here is how you play!

Each of you will start the challenge with $500, and your goal is to split that up into five separate rounds. Your goal is to try and spend as little money as possible and to spend the most money in the fifth and final round.

So, for example, you might put $40 for your first round, $60 for your second round, $100 for your third round, $130 for your fourth round, and $170 for your final round.

You can sort the $500 however you'd like! However, the only rule is that the five rounds must total $500 and you must bid at least $0.01 in a round. No half pennies or sh*t like that.

The catch is that, after each round, the person in each house that spent the least amount of money would be eliminated from the challenge. The person from each house that spends the most money in the fifth and final round, when there are only two players from each house remaining, will win the Golden Power of Veto!

Deadline: Friday 7 PM EST


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